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November 2010 Archives

November 9, 2010


Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2070 of Vikram Samvat!

Nagar communities through out the USA and many parts of the world including India have planned Dipawali and New Year celebration around this time of the year. Nagar Association of Greater American Regions (NAGAR) convey its best wishes to entire our community members to have a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2070 of Vikram Samvat beginning Monday November 4, 2013.

Nagar Association of Greater American Regions (NAGAR) was created to bring our community together in its true meaning with the help of all active nagar associations and their dedicated volunteers. The sole purpose was only to expand the services beyond the scope of any single association. Entire nagar community overwhelmly united and successfully planned various Nagar Conventions in Baltimore, Chicago, California and New Jersey, published four directories, news letters (Navala Nagar and NAGAR) and launched the nagar website which has already crossed 380,000 visitor marks in more than 11 years.

Now the economy in USA and worldwide has improved and slowly gaining the strength. All our local nagar associations are stronger and more resourceful. India is planning to built a tallest Statue of Unity taller than our Statue of Liberty.

Now it's time to get united and bring our community together.

Let's get united and plan celebrating NAGAR Convention 2014 on its Sweet Sixteen Anniversary!
Please go on line, become a paid member for 2014, make charitable donations to NAGAR and help support NAGAR to better serve our community!

Looking forward for all help and support!

Jai Hatkesh!

About November 2010

This page contains all entries posted to NAGAR Announcements in November 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2010 is the previous archive.

January 2011 is the next archive.

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