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« Vikram Ramprasad Mehta of Swedesboro, NJ passed away on June 22, 2011... | Main | Rasheshbhai Dhru passed away on May 10, 2013 in Olney, Maryland »

Dr. Harshidaben Ramubhai Pandit passed away on Feb 27th 2012

We are very sorry to inform you that Dr. Harshidaben Ramubhai Pandit, renowned author and well known psychologist, has passed away in Bombay on Feb. 27th, 2012 at the age of 84. She was in poor health, following a recent hip surgery. She was the keynote speaker at the first National NAGAR Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, USA in 1996. She will be remembered for many literary contributions, independent and trail blazing thinking, futuristic and leadership role for many social causes. She will be sorely missed by the Pandit family, many relatives and vast circle of professionals & friends and many organizations in India and abroad.

She is survived by her son, Ashit Ramu, (Shirley) of San Diego, California, and her younger son, Pranav (Pete), (Blanca, and Grandson Emilio Aditya) of Tijuana, Mexico.

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